Are Standing Desks More Productive?

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The internet is agog with news of standing desks being more productive. Is there any truth to this or is it just one of the many facades out there? We have done extensive research on this claim and here are our findings.

Are standing desks more productive? Yes, standing desks are more productive than sitting desks. Workers, as well as students, have shown signs of increased productivity when they use standing desks. By increasing focus, boosting morale, and improving overall energy, standing desks will surely make you more productive, whether you are working or studying.

Some of the most productive persons our world has ever known include those who use standing desks. Talk about Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ernest Hemingway, Benjamin Franklin, and Winston Churchill. Does these men’s high level of success and productivity have anything to do with their use of standing desks? Read on to find out.

Does A Standing Desk Increase Productivity At Work?

Standing desks increase productivity at work. Studies even show that standing desks can  increase workplace productivity by as much as 40-50 percent. Standing desks help people to think more clearly, focus better, and work faster at work. These, as well as their ability to help prevent back pain, contribute to increased productivity at work. 

Prolonged sitting can cause fatigue and pain while working. These, as well as the impact of prolonged sitting on brain activity, can reduce workplace productivity. By using a standing desk, you can avoid these problems and significantly improve your productivity at work.

Standing Desks Reduce Distraction At Work

The brain associates sitting down with relaxation and standing up with action. So, when you are standing up, the brain receives signals that you are occupied with some sort of action. This helps minimize temptations for distraction with trivial non-work-related issues, like social media. That way, you can focus better on your tasks and be more productive at work.

Standing Desks Boost Teamwork At The Office

People working at a standing desk tend to walk around more than those who sit at their desks. Walking around, in turn, increased interaction and teamwork among coworkers. These have a direct positive impact on productivity at work. It creates a sense of collaboration, increases interactive culture, and boosts morale.

Should I Switch From A Sitting Desk To A Standing Desk At Work?

You can use standing desks instead of sitting desks for more productivity at work. However, some of the benefits of standing desks are overblown by the media. For instance, standing all through your workday may prove counterproductive.

An adjustable sit-stand desk is a better option. This type of desk allows you to switch between sitting and standing. Switching positions at work is better for overall workplace productivity. An adjustable sit-stand desk allows you to get the benefits of standing desks as well as:

  • Give yourself a break from standing when needed
  • Give your feet and legs some rest after standing for some time.
  • Select an ergonomic desk height for each task you perform at work.

✅ Video – What Happens to Your Body If You Use A Standing Desk Every Day for 6 Months

Bob and Brad are styled as the most famous physical therapists on the internet. In this video, they share their professional opinion on standing desks. The video contains testimonials about some of their patients who have used standing desks. It also contains a general overview of what to expect if you use a standing desk every day for six months. One of the amazing tips they share is the 10:8:2 rule. That is, you are expected to stand for 10 minutes, sit for 8 minutes, and move around for two minutes for optimum workplace ergonomics. Click the play button to learn more from Bob and Brad.

Are Standing Desks More Productive For Students?

Standing desks are also more productive for students. Experts say that students showed improved memory capabilities and executive functions when they use standing desks. Both of these factors help improve cognition, productivity, and overall effectiveness in learning.

A study conducted by Texas A&M School of Public Health shows that introducing standing desks into either an office or a school has several benefits. Other studies show that standing desks can improve the following among students:

  • Overall performance
  • Attentiveness 
  • Classroom engagement
  • Body Mass Index
  • Fatigue
  • Quality of life

What Are The Benefits Of Standing Desks?

Blood circulation and brainpower increase when you use a standing desk. These desks also encourage collaboration and improve the general well-being of office workers. The benefits of standing desks include increased energy and productivity, better health and posture, as well as reduced workplace discomfort and pain. With a standing desk, you literally stand to gain several benefits.

Here are some of the many benefits of using standing desks:

Standing Desks Improve Brain Power

There is better blood circulation when you stand than when you sit. Standing desks, therefore, help more blood to circulate to your brain while working. This means your brain will get more nutrients and oxygen and, consequently, function better.

What’s more, physical movement, which occurs instinctively while standing, encourages neurogenesis. Neurogenesis refers to the formation of new brain cells. Neurogenesis as a result of physical movement occurs more in the brain regions responsible for critical thinking.

Standing Desks Help People Focus Better At Work

Standing for just 10 minutes is enough for better focus at work. In one research, 71 percent of office workers who increased their standing time at work reported having better mental focus. An improved focus at work, in turn, increases employee efficiency and productivity.

Standing Desks Promote Health And Wellness

Sitting at a desk all day can cause chronic pain, especially in the back and feet. Other health problems  related to long hours of sitting include:

  • Physical stress and discomfort
  • Joint pain
  • Nerve damage
  • Chronic headaches

All of these can distract you from your tasks and reduce your productivity. Using a standing desk helps you cut out these problems and perform better at work.

Standing Desks Boost Energy And Morale

Standing desks can make you feel more energetic at your workstation. Experts say that this boost in energy and morale is caused by small bursts of movement. These movements help keep energy levels steady throughout the day. That, in turn, keeps you more alert, as well as aids concentration, focus, and productivity.

Related Questions

Do Standing Desks Really Make A Difference?

Standing desks have proven to make a significant difference. They help increase workplace productivity and ease back and leg pain. Healthcare and ergonomics experts are still trying to figure out how long you need to use a standing desk daily to get these benefits. Some experts, however, say you need a minimum of ten minutes daily.

How Long Should You Stand At A Standing Desk Per Day? 

You need to work for at least 10 minutes at a standing desk daily to gain any of its benefits. Studies have, however, shown that the ideal stand to sit ratio for optimum benefits is 1:1 or 1:2. That means you should stand for one hour after every one or two hours of sitting. This ratio gives you a cumulative standing time of 3 to 4 hours in an 8-hour workday.

You can do this with a sit-stand adjustable height desk. With this kind of desk, you can alternate between standing and sitting while at work.

Is It Bad To Use A Standing Desk All Day?

Using a standing desk all day has side effects, especially if you have been sitting all day hitherto. If you intend to start using a standing desk, do not make an abrupt transition. If you do that, you may develop leg, foot, or back pain. What’s more, even when you get used to standing, take intermittent breaks to sit.

Some studies suggest that standing up all day can cause discomfort and decrease productivity. So, it is better to use a sit-stand adjustable height desk.


The benefits of using standing desks at work, as well as at school, are extensive. From productivity to long-term health and overall workplace ergonomics. Standing desks have lots of personal and economic benefits, as well as for society. You may want to try it for yourself.

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